Category: News

Programmists researches a biometrical test able to outclass all tests existing now

Programmists researches a biometrical test able to outclass all tests existing now

bviometrical test itself now not surprise anybody. Simple smartphone unmlocking on the owner’s fingerprint. However in this case the sistem only compares the fingerprint width the saves in memory. More modern methods uses a biometrical hash function or pair of public and private keys created […]

How strongly we are depend from the our software?

How strongly we are depend from the our software?

Long ago in a far far Precambrian age lives a first multicellular creatures. Cellulars needs somehow to cooperate among themselves. For this they was create the stem of the nerve cells. This cells uses an electric signals and forced an another cells follow their instructions. […]

Started a new website

Started a new website

Our website beginstoday to combine the labor on creating of our cryptocurrency